ANZCCJ& ANZ Joint panel discussion
– Vision Shapes the bank's transformation
The Australia and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ANZCCJ) and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), invite members and guests to join us at Conrad Tokyo on 9 February 2023 to discuss how values and vision have shaped the bank's transformation.
five years ago, ANZ set out a strategy to simplify and strengthen the bank, focusing on areas where it can deliver great customer outcomes and provide decent returns for shareholders. Under this rapidly changing business environment, and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, ANZ has designed to bring together the things that collectively define the bank: our purpose, strategy and culture. At the panel discussion, Farhan Faruqui, CFO, Mark Whelan, Group Executive Institutional, Kath van der Merwe, Group Executive Talent & Culture, and Antonia Watson, CEO NZ, will share how the bank is transforming to evolve and flourish over the long term.
The panel will discuss ANZ Group's transformation with CFO, Institutional strategic directions with Institutional Head, Post COVID's business management in NZ with CEO NZ, and culture to deliver the strategy and to realise the purposes with Talent & Culture Head.
Date: Thurs 9 February, 2023
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM (Doors open at 9:30AM)
Venue: Hamarikyu Ballroom, Conrad Tokyo (Map)
Price: ANZCCJ Members ¥8,500 | Non-Members ¥9,500
(Complimentary ticket cannot be used for this event.)
Registration deadline: Thurs 2 February, 2023
ビジョンがトランスフォーメーションを推し進めるというコンセプトのもと、CFOのファハン・ファルキ(Farhan Faruqui)、法人部門グループ・エグゼクティブのマーク・ウィーラン(Mark Whelan)、ANZ NZのCEOであるアントニア・ワトソン(Antonia Watson)、そして人事担当グループ・エグゼクティブのキャス・ヴァン・デル・メルウェ(Kath van der Merwe)をパネリストに迎え、パネルディスカッションを下記の通り開催させて頂きます。
時間:10:00AM - 12:00PM (開場:9:30AM)
会場: コンラッド東京 浜離宮ボールルーム (地図)
料金: 会員 8,500円 / 非会員 9,500円
登録締切日: 2023年2月2日(木)まで
※ 食事アレルギーのある方は2月2日(月)までにAkihiro.ito@anzccj.jpにご連絡お願いします。