As the global hydrogen market rapidly evolves amid efforts to achieve Net Zero targets, the industry continues to tackling ongoing challenges including supply chain disruptions and higher interest rates. In response, policymakers are ramping up support across the hydrogen value chain, focusing on production, transportation, and market development.

The ANZCCJ and the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) in collaboration with the Government of South Australia, invites members and guests to this important event providing insights into the current state of play of Australia's hydrogen supply chain development and Japan's role, actual use cases, and opportunities and challenges that are shaping innovation and collaboration.

Speakers include:

Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2024

Venue: Australian Embassy, Tokyo 2-1-14 Mita, Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8361

RSVP: 17:00 Wednesday 12 February 2024

Time: 14:30 - 17:30 Panel Discussion & Networking (Doors open 14:00)

Cost: Free

Note #1: Capacity is limited to 70 people - tickets allocated via a lottery system

Note #2: Photo ID (drivers' license, passport, health insurance card or foreigner's residence card) required for access to Australian Embassy. Company ID/business card not acceptable. 大使館正門入口にてセキュリティチェック及び手荷物検査がございます。ご来館の際には「身分証明書」の提示が必要となりますので、①運転免許証、②パスポート、③健康保険証、④マイナンバーカードまたはレジデンスカード(外国籍の方)のいずれかをご持参ください。※社員証は認められませんのでご留意下さい。


Australian Embassy Tokyo
2 Chome-1-14 Mita
Minato City, Tokyo, Japan

See route

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