Widely acknowledged among influential figures in Australia and Japan's government and business sectors, a thriving technology and innovation industry is essential for sustained growth and development of their respective economies. In fact, technology has already emerged as Australia's third-largest sector, trailing only mining and banking, underscoring its significance for the country's future progress. Yet, as interest rates rise, tech investors are reevaluating their strategies, shifting from solely pursuing market share growth to emphasizing profitability and financial prudence in their start-up portfolios.

To foster the growth of the start-up ecosystem in Australia and encourage collaboration between Australia and Japan in the field of innovation, MUFG Bank Ltd, Ashurst, and Artesian in collaboration with the ANZCCJ, Austrade, State governments and JETRO invite ANZCCJ members and guests to join an Australia-Japan innovation seminar on 21 July 2023 in Tokyo.

During the seminar, a panel will delve into the Australian innovation ecosystem and explore key technology verticals such as climate, health, and defense and how the innovation space within the economy lays the foundation for driving prosperity in both nations in the decades to come.

Speakers and Panelists will include:

  • Takahiro Iino - Managing Director, MUFG Bank (Sydney Branch)
  • Jeremy Colless - Chief Executive Officer, Artesian
  • Natsuko Ogawa - Partner, Ashurst
  • Masaki Takahara - JETRO, Outgoing Managing Director of Australian JETRO Branch
  • Tomohito Tanase - Associate Director, NSW Government

Date: Friday, 21 July 2023

Time: 17:00 - 19:30 Panel Discussion & Networking

Time: Australian Embassy, Tokyo 2 Chome-1-14 Mita, Minato City, Tokyo 108-8361

Cost: Free

Registration Closes: 17:00 Friday 14 July 2023


Capacity is limited to 80 people - tickets will be allocated via a lottery system on Monday 17 July 2023





飯野貴弘 - MUFG銀行(シドニー支店)マネージング・ディレクター

ジェレミー・コレス - アーテシアン最高経営責任者

小川 夏子 - アシュアスト パートナー

高原正樹 - ジェトロ、オーストラリアJETRO支部退任常務理事

棚瀬智仁 - ニューサウスウェールズ州政府アソシエイト・ディレクター

StrongRoom AI - ヘルステック/AI、Sicona Battery Technologies - 気候テック、Nutromics - ヘルステック、Liven - フィンテック、Katonic - AI、AirSeed - 気候テックなど、様々な業界のスタートアップ企業の代表者と交流しませんか?

日付 2023年7月21日(金)

時間:17:00 - 19:30 パネルディスカッション&交流会

時間:〒108-8361 東京都港区三田2丁目1-14 オーストラリア大使館内

参加費 無料




Australian Embassy Tokyo
Minato City, Tokyo, Japan

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to exec.director@anzccj.jp

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