Japan Australia Investment Report 2023 – Partners in Prosperity: Latest trends in Japan-Australia M&A
ANZCCJ invites members and guests to an exclusive launch of Herbert Smith Freehills' latest reportJapan-Australia Investment Report 2023: Partners in Prosperity.
Japanese cross-border M&A into Australia was very strong in 2023 with over 50 M&A deals and 38 new partnerships in 2023. Australia is regarded as an attractive non-US destination as it is a stable market and encouraging of Japanese investment. Active sectors included energy, innovation, real estate and decarbonisation.
There were several major energy-related transactions, major B2C acquisitions (Kirin, 7-Eleven and Kao) which highlight attractiveness of the Australian domestic consumer market and the continuation of acquisitions of technology / BioTech companies by Fujifilm, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Nissui, Fujitsu, Angel Group, Komatsu, Hitachi, MUFG and Softbank Robotics. Some of the most notable M&A transactions involving Japanese companies in 2023 included:
Joined by speakers from Austrade and JETRO, our M&A experts will analyse the background to the strengthening of, as well as the opportunities and implications for the growth of, Japanese investment in Australia. You will hear from M&A specialists from Australia and Japan who are active in advising Japanese corporates in cross-border transactions.
Date: Tuesday 16 April 2024
Time: 15:00 – 17:00 (registration from 14:30)
Location: Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), 9th Floor Auditorium 1-4-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Sponsored by: Herbert Smith Freehills GJBJ, ANZCCJ, and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supported by:Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
Language: English / Mr Miyazaki of JETRO's session will be given in Japanese (without interpretation)
Fee: Complimentary
RSVP: 1700PM Wed 10 April 2024
Note #1: ** Capacity is limited to 20 people - tickets allocated via a lottery system on 12 April 2024
ANZCCJ は、ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ社の最新報告書「日豪投資報告書 2023: 繁栄のパートナー」の発表会に会員およびゲストの皆様をご招待いたします。
日時: 2024年4月16日(火) 15:00~17:00(14:30より受付開始)
会場: 株式会社国際協力銀行9階講堂(東京都千代田区大手町1-4-1)
主催: ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ外国法事務弁護士事務、在日オーストラリア・ニュージーランド商工会議所、一般財団法人 海外投融資情報財団
後援:株式会社 国際協力銀行
言語: 英語 / 宮﨑氏(JETRO)の講演のみ日本語で行われます
費用: 無料
申込締切: 2024年4月10日(水)